Psychotherapy For The Gifted
Jerald Grobman M.D.
Madelon Sann L.C.S.W.

All sessions are on Zoom, join easily from any location.

Therapy for Gifted Children and Adolescents

Therapy for Gifted Children and Adolescents


From the very beginning, gifted children are a challenge! Parents and their children readily agree that ‘being gifted is no gift’!

They are brilliant, creative, hypersensitive to the needs of others, the world at large, and to real and imagined insults from their environment. They are fiercely independent but, despite their brilliance, they often are unable to reflect on the impact of their own behaviour. Nonetheless, once a therapeutic relationship is forged and their giftedness is harnessed, they can use their dazzling intellectual abilities to go beyond to figure out the puzzle of ‘what makes them tick’. 

“You keep saying my symptoms are because I won’t accept my giftedness. I know I am smart, but I don’t know about gifted. I think there is some basic physical defect – maybe its genetic- , that hasn’t yet been discovered.”  

Related Articles and Case Studies

Parent Guidance  

Crisis Management   Before parents can be helped to manage the crisis, its origins need to be determined. Serious academic problems, anxiety, depression, physical symptoms,

Contact Us

7pm - 9pm EST

Jerald Grobman M.D.

Madelon Sann L.C.S.W.​

We offer our sessions through Zoom’s virtual platform, providing flexibility to participate from any location.